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Getting Started With Alerts

Logtivity has a feature called “Alerts” that allows you to receive notification for important data in your logs. Alerts can be sent to three Alert Channels: email, Slack, or webhooks.

How to Find the Alerts Screen

  • In the Logtivity app, click Team Settings”.
  • Click “Activity Alerts”.
Alerts screen

How to Create New Alerts

Click the “Create Alert” button. Each alert can be configured with these options:

  • Action: This is the trigger for the alert. You will find examples on the “Logs” screen, which include “User Logged In”, “Plugin Installed”, “User Created” and many more.
  • Context: This field allow you to specify more information about the Action. Again, you will find examples on the “Logs” screen.
  • User: This optional field allows you to get notifications for actions performed by a specific user.
Create new alert

Default Alerts for Logtivity Users

By default, Logtivity will automatically provide you with around a dozen alerts when create an account. These are useful alerts that will automatically start working for all the sites you add to Logtivity. You can also use these as examples to build your own alerts:

Logtivity will also send you Heartbeat alerts to ensure that your site is always successfully connected to the Logtivity dashboard.