The Logtivity 2023 Year in Review

Hey and thanks for using Logtivity.

Logtivity is a platform that tracks activity and errors across all your WordPress sites.

In 2022, we pivoted more than once, trying to find the right approach for Logtivity customers.

In 2023, we were able to focus 100% on our new direction. And in this post, I’ll show you all the improvements to Logtivity during 2023.

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You Can Now Share Logtivity Error Logs

At the end of 2022, we launched hosted error logs for WordPress sites. If something goes wrong on your WordPress site, you can use this new feature to quickly find and understand the problem.

However, sometimes the people who help you understand the problem are not part of your Logtivity account. You may need to send an error message to a plugin or theme developer. Or perhaps you’re working with a contract developer. Or maybe you just want to share an error on social media.

All of that is now possible with Logtivity. You can create public links for any entry in your site’s error logs.

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How We Pivoted and Pivoted and Pivoted Our WordPress SaaS

If you saw the headline on this post and kept reading, you probably like stories about business challenges.

Good, because this story is about about business challenges.

I’m Steve and my partner here at Logtivity is Ralph. And this is the tale of the challenges we faced in 2022.

We’ll tell you about how we pivoted and pivoted and pivoted our WordPress SaaS in 2022, trying to find the right approach.

This story is also about how the kindness of some customers can make all the difference.

Here’s the story of three big pivots we made to Logtivity in 2022.

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Logtivity 2.0 Arrives With Hosted Error Logs

Here at Logtivity we solve problems faced by WordPress agencies and anyone who is in charge of lots of WordPress sites.

One problem that agencies kept talking about was error logs: they all agree that hosting companies have terrible error reporting. When something goes wrong with a site, it’s really difficult to track down the problem using the hosting company’s tools.

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Logtivity Supports the Code Snippets Plugin

Code Snippets is a popular plugin that is used by a lot of WordPress agencies.

The major advantage of the Code Snippets plugin is that it provides a simple way to run code snippets on your site. Normally you have to add these snippets to your theme’s functions.php file.

The Code Snippets plugin provides a user interface for managing snippets. Snippets can be activated and deactivated, plus you can add extra details such as name, description, and tags. It’s also simple to import and export the snippets so you can re-use your code on different sites.

Because the Code Snippets plugin is a crucial tool for many WordPress agencies, we’ve added support for the plugin. Any changes to your snippets will be stored in your site’s activity log.

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How to Find Frequent Logs In Logtivity

We had a request earlier this month from a Logtivity user with dozens of sites.

This user wanted to know which plugins and actions were recording the most logs on their sites. So we’ve added a “Most frequent logs” feature. You can find this by going to “Team Settings” then “Global Plugin Settings” in your Logtivity admin.

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Logtivity Notifications Now Provide Much More Information

A few weeks ago, we discovered that Logtivity was recording all the activity on a WordPress site during a successful hack.

Have you ever had your site hacked? It’s a scary experience because you don’t know what the hacker has done. Fortunately, our customer was able to feel better because Logtivity gave them a 100% secure record of everything the hacker did.

After this incident, we started to brainstorm about the future. Could Logtivity let customers know what was happening while the attack was happening? The answer is, “Yes, if we improve Logtivity notifications”.

So we’ve been working hard to upgrade the notifications you get for key events. You can now get a lot more useful details inside your Logtivity notifications. Logtivity is perfectly placed to report on security incidents like this and also on more day-to-day activity.

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