Logtivity Blog

Lessons for WordPress Plugin Developers Starting a SaaS

We are WordPress plugin developers who are building a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform here at Logtivity. Logtivity is a WordPress activity log, built with Laravel. Coming from a WordPress plugin development environment, it should be easy, right? Both WordPress and Laravel are built with PHP. How hard can it be? In reality, we’ve…

Create Alerts Directly from Your Activity Log

We’re starting to move quickly at Logtivity with lots of regular updates. Over the last few weeks there were lots of improvements to the “Team Settings” area. In today’s updates, you can now create alerts directly from the “Activity” screen. This makes it easy to create alerts for important events on your websites. Let’s see…

How to Track Silently Installed Plugins in WordPress

Have you ever found a plugin on your WordPress site that you didn’t install? You’re not alone. Last month, I wrote about a WordPress mystery. People told us that plugins on their sites were silently deactivated. Logtivity is an activity log, so we needed to make sure we tracked these changes. That post lead to…

How to Track Silently Disabled Plugins in WordPress

Over the last year, we’ve been on the trail of a mystery. People are shocked to find that plugins will silently change from “Active” to “Inactive” on their WordPress site. Their site has broken and with no warning. The mystery started when one Logtivity customer reported that an active plugin had been disabled. It was…