Improved Search and Filters for Activity Logs

Logtivity 2.2 is available now and it has lots of improvements for your site’s hosted activity logs. These new improvements make it easier to find exactly the log entries you want.

If something goes wrong on your site, you can trust Logtivity to help you find and solve the problem quickly.

I’m going to introduce the three big, helpful changes that you’ll see in your Logtivity account:

  1. New and improved search
  2. Date and time filters on search
  3. Enable or disable the logging of Options and Post Meta changes.

Improvement #1. New and improved search

You can now use wildcards to search your site’s activity logs. For example, search for plugin% and you’ll see everything that has changed with your plugins. The search results will include plugin updates, deactivations, installs, and more.

WordPress activity log for plugin changes

If you search for %updated, this will show you everything that has been updated recently on your site. You can see plugin updates, theme updates, language updates, and even updates to your options data.

WordPress activity log for updates

You can also use the wildcards to drill down in other areas of search too. For example, if you’re looking for all the changes related to the Yoast SEO plugin, you can search for %yoast in the “Context” field.

WordPress activity log for Yoast SEO

Or if you want to find all the changes on your site that involve WooCommerce, you can search for %woo or %woocommerce.

WordPress activity log for WooCommerce

Improvement #2. Date and time filters in search

There’s now a really precise date and time filter on the activity log search. For example, if you know a problem on your site happened between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m., you can drill down to logs from that precise time period. There are also presets available including “Today”, “Yesterday”, and “Last 7 Days”.

WordPress activity log Date and Time filters

Improvement #3. Enable or disable the logging of Options and Post Meta changes

Over the last few months, we’ve made it possible to track all the changes to your WordPress options and post meta. This means you can track even the smallest changes to your settings, and also to your posts. Some Logtivity users said that they didn’t need all the information. You can now enable or disable the logging of options and post meta.

In the Logtivity app, go to Team Settings > Global Plugin Settings and you’ll see two new boxes:

  • “Enable Options Table Logging”
  • “Enable Post Meta Logging”

If you uncheck these boxes, you’re saying that you don’t want to record every little detail that happens on your site. You just want the key details.

Give Logtivity a try today

Join Logtivity today and you’ll immediately get access to the improved activity logs, plus hosted error logs, and much more.

Logtivity helps WordPress agencies sleep well at night. Logtivity tracks all the activity on your WordPress sites, and then sends you alerts for important events!

Get started today with a 10-day free trial!