Logtivity Records WordPress Post Meta

Last month, we were talking with a Logtivity user who runs a webdesign agency. The most frequent users of Logtivity are WordPress agencies and maintenance services so listen really carefully to their needs.

This user’s agency wanted an activity log to help deal with clients. Mistakes happen and sometimes clients can mess up their own sites. The problem is that mistakes can often take the agency many hours to fix it. If the agency can’t show the mistake was made by the client, they have to eat the cost.

This agency requested the ability to track detailed changes to WordPress, and especially to WooCommerce products. They wanted to know about changes to specific WooCommerce fields, such as the SKU, sales price, inventory count, and more. With this level of tracking, they can show the client who messed up, and save themselves $100s.

We started to build this feature, and ended up with the ability to track detailed changes across all WordPress post types. Logtivity can now record anything stored in the wp_postmeta database table.

What does this mean in the real world?

This means that Logtivity can record very specific changes such as a new featured image added to a post. This image below shows how Logtivity will record a new featured image.

If you click the “View” button in the image above, you’ll be given detailed information about the change. There’s information about the user who made the change, when they made it, and which image they added.

This next image below shows a log entry for Yoast SEO. In this log, there has been a change to the Yoast content score.

If you click “View”, you can see who made the change. You can also see that the content score changed from “60” to “90”.

This new Logtivity update works for anything that is a “post” in WordPress, so that includes WooCommerce products. This next image shows Logtivity recording a price change from $12 to $19 for a WooCommerce product:

This next image shows an SKU change for a WooCommerce product:

This image below shows an inventory change in WooCommerce from 10 items in stock to 8 items. This means Logtivity is an excellent WooCommerce activity log.

This Logtivity update really does support a very wide range of WordPress plugins. There are far more examples than we can ever include in this post. So let’s finish with an example from another plugin. This next image shows a log recording a price change in Easy Digital Downloads from $79.00 to $89.00.

How to stop unwanted logs

If you find that a plugin is recording data that isn’t useful, you can easily stop those logs. In this screenshot below, I have Easy Digital Downloads installed. You can check out our detailed EDD integration here. You’ll notice that EDD is adding several metadata logs.

If you don’t want to record these logs, go to Logtivity > Settings in your WordPress admin area and you’ll see an area called “Disable Individual Logs”. Enter the log name here, which in this example is “Edd Subscription Log Meta Added”.

Try Logtivity Now

Logtivity has pricing as low as $9 per month. You can be set up and monitoring your websites in minutes. Click here to start your activity logs today.