Logitivity is Featured on WPTavern
Last week, Logtivity made a significant debut in the WordPress community: our little start-up was featured on WPTavern.
Ralph, who is my business partner on Logtivity, and has been working on this platform for around 3 years now. But being featured on the Tavern is often the first time that the WordPress community learns about a new project.
People trust WPTavern, and with good reason. They’ve had great writers over the years including Jeff Chandler, Sarah Gooding and Justin Tadlock. The team is always friendly and wants the people they cover to do well.
Justin’s article was a huge boost and within hours we’ve seen a increase sign-ups and meeting requests.
If you’re launching a WordPress project, I’d highly recommend reaching out to WPTavern, Post Status, and WP Mainline and some of the other WordPress news outlets. Justin himself explains why you should in this post.