How to Get an Alert for Administrator Logins in WordPress

Logtivity is an activity log service that helps you understand exactly what’s happening on your WordPress site.

Once your site is connected to Logtivity, you can set up unlimited alerts for any action. Logtivity will ping you as soon as the action happens.

For example, one Logtivity customer employs various writers, so they’ve set up a series of alerts that tell when the writers log in. Our customers use this to see when writers start working.

You can also use this feature as a security alert, notifying you know every time someone in an important role logs in. This is something we do on all our websites: we get alerts whenever anyone in an “Administrator” role logs in.

Here’s our guide to getting alerts for Administrator logins on your WordPress site:

Step #1. Create an Alert

The first and most important step is to set up the alert for user logins.

  • Go to “Alerts” in the Logtivity app.
  • Action: This is the trigger for the alert. We should choose “user logged in”
  • Context: This field allow you to specify more information about the Action. For this alert, you can enter a user role.

You can also choose where to receive alerts. Click the “Alert Channels” link to choose between email and Slack notifications. Click here to see more about alerts.

Step #2. Check the Alert

After creating the alert, you can either test your setup or wait for an Administrator to login. This next image shows how the alerts appear in Slack.

A Slack notification from Logtivity

If you click the “View Log” button in the image above, you’ll go directly to the Logtivity app. You will see all the recent results for your alert. In this next image, you’ll see a list of recent logins by users in the Administrator role. You can examine each result to see if there’s a potential problem. If you do see anything concerning, click the “View” button to dig deeper for more information.

Give Logtivity a try today! 

Logtivity has a 10-day free trial. You can be set up and monitoring your WordPress site in minutes. Click here to start your free trial today.