Improved Two Factor Authentication for Logtivity Users

Here at Logtivity, our goal is to help you sleep well at night. We track all the activity and errors on your WordPress sites.

To ensure you can sleep well, we take every precaution to make sure your data is safe. A key part of keeping your site safe is a good Two Factor Authentication system.

We want everyone to enable Two Factor Authentication on their Logtivity accounts, so it has to be easy. Because the old system wasn’t easy enough to use, we’ve replaced it.

The new system supports Google Authenticator, Authy, and other apps that use 6-digit codes for approval.

To enable the new Two Factor Authentication, go to “Account”, then “Security”. Click “Enable Google 2FA”.

Logtivity will then show you a barcode that you can scan with your authentication app. Enter the 6-digit passcode and your new Two Factor Authentication will be active. We’ll also give you some backup codes in case you lose the original authentication app.

Finally, we’ve increased the session duration. It used to be 5 hours, and we’ve changed that to 30 days. This means that you’ll be asked to confirm your account less often than with the old system.

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Join Logtivity today and you’ll immediately get access to hosted activity logs, hosted error logs, and much more.

Logtivity helps WordPress agencies sleep well at night. Logtivity tracks all the activity on your WordPress sites, and then sends you alerts for important events!

Get started today with a 10-day free trial!